This is post 10 of 18 in the series “Trump Watch” Presenting the Trump Watch (tick…tick…tick..) New Dataset – @realDonaldTrump Tweet corpus Just how oddball...More
This is post 9 of 18 in the series “Trump Watch” Presenting the Trump Watch (tick…tick…tick..) New Dataset – @realDonaldTrump Tweet corpus Just how oddball...More
By: Patrick W. ZimmermanNot a fan of inconvenient truths? Then welcome to Alternative History Facts, where we highlight The Real StoriesTM that the fake news...More
This is post 4 of 5 in the series “Build-a-brew” Microbial Experiment Log: Nutty Professor Oatmeal Porter Build-a-brew: Referendum Scotch Ale Build-a-brew: Rye-SB English pale...More
By: Patrick W. ZimmermanThe Donald wants you to live in a world of eternal threat, where the Evil minions of Radial Islamic TerrorTM are lurking...More
This is post 3 of 5 in the series “Build-a-brew” Microbial Experiment Log: Nutty Professor Oatmeal Porter Build-a-brew: Referendum Scotch Ale Build-a-brew: Rye-SB English pale...More
This is post 2 of 5 in the series “Build-a-brew” Microbial Experiment Log: Nutty Professor Oatmeal Porter Build-a-brew: Referendum Scotch Ale Build-a-brew: Rye-SB English pale...More
This is post 8 of 18 in the series “Trump Watch” Presenting the Trump Watch (tick…tick…tick..) New Dataset – @realDonaldTrump Tweet corpus Just how oddball...More